Vocal Synthesizer Wiki

Ryuto (リュウト) is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Internet Co., Ltd. as Gachapoid (ガチャッポイド), and was released in October 2010 for the VOCALOID2 engine. Later, he was given an update and was released in September 2014 for the VOCALOID3 engine. His voice is provided by Japanese voice actress, Amemiya Kuniko ((あめ)(みや)(くに)()).



His software name, "Gachapoid", is based on the name "Gachapin", the character he is modeled after. The suffix "poid" on the end of the name is short for "like VOCALOID". Thus, the full implied name of this product is "Gachapin-like VOCALOID".

A notable mistake within the western fandom is labeling Ryuto as "Gachapoid" or "Ryuto Gachapoid". The explanation for both these mistakes is the confusion over the naming of both software package and VOCALOID. The same issue occurs with Camui Gackpo and his software Gackpoid along with GUMI and her software Megpoid.


His appearance is based loosely on Gachapin's own appearance. It also takes aspects of YAMAHA's "Yamaha XG" midi sound card.



Gachapoid was marketed as a children's VOCALOID designed for singing childrens' songs. He was aimed at young producers. His human form was released late after the announcement, along with his human avatar's name of "Ryuto". He was a departure from the more standard box packages that VOCALOID™ had offered previously. He was also released as a promotional tie-in with a Gachapin promotion.

A special promotional CD case was offered at his time of release.


The Gachapoid vocal was meant to give an accurate portrayal of the voice of "Gachapin" and was based on one of his most famous voice portrayals that of voice actress, Kuniko Amemiya. Ryuto gave producers a unique and quirky vocal to play with that was intended for children's songs specifically.
Gachapoid - Talk
From his release in 2010 until February 13, 2015, Ryuto had a talk service vocal available for use. Unlike many other Talk software, this used a variant of the VOCALOID engine called VOCALOID-flex. The vocal was designed to allow Ryuto to "talk".



Ryuto is amongst the lesser used VOCALOIDs in Japan and the least popular of the Internet co., Ltd VOCALOIDs.


Ryuto 's Gachapoid software was initially considered for an "Extend" version in 2011, but no further plans for this update have been reported from Internet co. Ltd. In 2013, they confirmed Gachapoid would not get a V3 update. This later changed in 2014 and a update was confirmed, but unlike all other updates, Gachapoid had only a basic update of his "native" vocal and received no additional vocals.


An independent search on niconico revealed that most VOCALOIDs had less than 1,000 videos uploaded on niconico in 2011 between July 1st and December 15th. Ryuto fell into this category.[1]

In 2015 a survey was made based on the popularity of VOCALOIDs on website Nico Video. For the year 2014, he was the 37th most popular Vocaloid and the 3rd least popular Japanese Vocal.[2]


  • His human form wasn't added until right before his release and is not on his box, unlike many other VOCALOIDs. Therefore, early works by fans featured a very different character than the one ultimately introduced, or Gachapin himself takes Gachapoid's place as the song mascot. More art was later added of his humanoid character.[3]
  • His mascot's name "Ryuto" wasn't revealed until the illustrations of his humanoid form were released.
  • He was the first VOCALOID by Internet co., Ltd not to be a "VOCALOID artist" voicebank.
  • Ryuto is based on Gachapin, but he isn't Gachapin himself.


  • First VOCALOID aimed at children.
  • First young vocal from INTERNET Co.
  • First commercial VOCALOID to use "VOCALOID-flex"
  • First canceled VOCALOID project to be restarted by the original company. (Gachapoid V3)
  • First INTERNET Co VOCALOID to be download only. (Gachapoid V3)


  1. http://www.vocaloidism.com/2012/01/04/the-harsh-realities-of-vocaloid-on-nico/
  2. http://ch.nicovideo.jp/kadotanimitsuru/blomaga/ar699704
  3. Vocaloid Blog - 164氏が「最後の約束の物語」のテーマソング(歌:ルシュカ )の楽曲提供

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