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Oedo Chanko ((おお)()()ちゃんこ) is a Japanese vocal synthesizer character created by SSS LLC.. She is capable of singing and was released as an UTAU in May 2017, then as a NEUTRINO in July 2024, and is now expected to receive a VOICEPEAK text-to-speech library to be developed and distributed by AH-Software Co. Ltd. in August 2024.

Her voice was provided by the Japanese voice actress Sashide Maria ((さし)()(まり)()) for UTAU; her VOICEPEAK and NEUTRINO are provided by Japanese voice actress Amano Rin ((あま)()(りん)).


Oedo Chanko is a second-year primary school student at Furusato Girls Academy. She is also head of the rival organization "Daitokai", which seeks to turn everything into natto (as opposed to rival Tohoku Zunko's group, which seeks to turn everything into zunda-mochi; both natto and zunda-mochi are made from edamame beans). She looks childish, but is also very selfish. Her birthday is July 10,[1] which is also dubbed Natto Day.[2]

  • Hobbies: Ordering other people around. Because of that, she was never able to attend school while growing up, and thus enjoys going to school now.
  • Abilities: Controlling and riding in her sumo robot, Genjimaru. She possesses the strongest ability out of all the characters who have made their debut in the anime film Zunda Horizon. Using the fan that she wears on her head, she is also able to manipulate the actions of anyone whom she douses with her special salt.
  • Aspirations: Creating a world under "Daitokai" that is hospitable and accepting of those who possess special powers... or at least it was. Now, it's just "having fun in school".[3]


Her given name, Chanko, was taken from chankonabe, a Japanese stew usually eaten by sumo wrestlers in vast quantities to gain weight until they reach their target weight. Her surname, Oedo or Ōedo, is a reference to the Toei Ōedo Line, a subway line operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation; it literally means "big Edo", Edo being the old name for Japan's capital city of Tokyo.




  • Tohoku Zunko - Rival
  • Kansai Shinobi - Scout for "Daitokai", as well as Zunko's underclassman and co-worker at her part-time job
  • Chubu Tsurugi - General of "Daitokai" and Zunko's upperclassman
  • Genjimaru - Sumo robot operated by Chanko as her means of transportation at "Daitokai"



Oedo Chanko's first official artwork was published on March 20, 2013 when she received her own official Twitter account; there she was depicted riding a then-unnamed giant robot suit shaped like a sumo wrestler.[4] This sumo robot was given the name Genjimaru one week earlier.[5] Her first mention on Zunko's official Twitter happened three months later.[6]

In June 2016, SSS LLC., in collaboration with WAO Corporation and Studio Live, applied for the young animator development project "Anime Tamago 2017"; they were selected as the commissioned production organization.[7] The film was animated under the title Zunda Horizon (ずんだホライずん).[8] As requested by the commissioning organization, it was produced in full animation, as were the other animations. It also introduced five singing songs –all made in vocal synthesizers like VOCALOID for the lead protagonist Zunko and UTAU for all other characters, including lead antagonist Chanko–, some of which featured musical-style performances.[9]

On February 11, 2017, the anime film's full cast of characters and their voice actresses was published; it listed Oedo Chanko as being voiced by Sashide Maria.[10] On March 11, a completion announcement screening for Zunda Horizon was held at Ikebukuro HUMAX Cinemas along with three other films, followed by a late show screening at Theatre Shinjuku from April 22 to April 28, and an in-flight screening on JAL. The UTAU soundtrack recorded for the anime was also released along with demo songs; it was remarked that Zunko's VOCALOID singing together with Chanko's UTAU singing was "really amazing!"[11] On March 12, completion of the UTAU voicebanks for all new characters, including Chanko, was announced;[12] Chanko's debut demo song "Toritome", also featuring her two "Daitokai" companions, general Kansai Shinobi and scout Chubu Tsurugi, was released on NicoNico on April 21.[13]

On May 9, the anime was released on YouTube and NicoNico for free for a month, and the production story was broadcast on Studio Live's channel. A crowdfunding campaign was also conducted for this anime; if a certain percentage was to be achieved, then the next production would be considered.[14] Chanko, Shinobi, and Tsurugi's UTAUs, produced under the direction of Higenashi (also known as Higeoex), were released as free downloads on May 21[15] along with the YouTube upload of "Toritome".[16]


On October 27, 2023, Zunko's Twitter alerted that Chanko's voice provider for a new synthesized voice would have to be changed because SSS LLC. missed the timing to submit a request for a text-to-speech voice to Sashide Maria's talent agency, WITH LINE, Inc..[17] On December 25, Zunko wrote to her fans that as a result of discussions between SSS and WITH LINE, Chanko's voice provider was to be changed and that the new voice provider would be announced during Zundamon's "ZunPARAdio Post Festival Review Live Broadcast" (ずんパラじお投稿祭振り返り生放送).[18]

On December 28, as part of the announcement of a crowdfund campaign for Chanko's VOICEPEAK voicebank (to begin in mid-January 2024), her new voice provider was announced to be Amano Rin.[19]


Chanko's VOICEPEAK crowdfund launched via the Green Funding platform in January 2024.[20] Among its stretch goals was one for a NEUTRINO singing voicebank; this goal was met on February 9.[21]

On May 17, crowdfund backers received the pre-release version of NEUTRINO vociebank AI Chanko;[22] they were advised to not upload any songs made with her until July 6.[23]












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