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Namida (ナミダ) is a UTAU created and voiced by the VOCALOID producer and illustrator AkiGlancy.


Namida is Japanese American mixed with Russian decent.


Her name "Namida" comes from the Japanese word (なみだ) which means "tears". In Japanese, her name is written in katakana as 「ナミダ」.


Namida has long and wavy navy blue hair and violet eyes. She wears a light blue sleeveless dress with a large purple jewel at the bust, long white fingerless gloves with purple jewels on the hands, and long white boots with purple jewels on the feet. On both wrists and ankles, she has shackles with broken chains. Around her neck she has a collar with a broken chain.


Quiet, and a bit melancholy, Namida’s past is a mystery, even to her. Suffering from amnesia, she can’t remember anything past her 16th birthday. The only remnants she has of her past are the shackles around her wrists and ankles and the collar around her neck. She chooses to not dwell on such things, though, and instead focuses her mind on music. Namida believes that she was placed on the earth to express other people’s sadness through song. However, she can be a very cheerful individual and has many friends. She is especially close with Kikyuune Aiko and Chikune Kenta who she views as brother and sister figures. She is also close with Watase Maki and likes to look after her like an elder sister. She currently has feelings for Seigaku Mizuiro, though she isn’t sure if he returns her affections or not yet. Namida has recently discovered that she has an older twin brother named Manida. They're still getting to know each other. She is most happiest when she is sitting quietly on her window seat, watching and listening to the rain.


  • Piano music
  • Hot dogs
  • Fairy tales
  • Sitting on her window seat
  • Thunderstorms


  • Crowds
  • Fights
  • The dark


  • DAINA - Same voice provider
  • Manida - Male counterpart and big brother
  • Koi - Friend, fellow KIMOCHILOID
  • Pesuto - Friend and fellow KIMOCHILOID
  • Kikyuune Aiko - Best friend and sister-figure, fellow UTAU XYZ
  • Chikune Kenta - Best friend and brother-figure
  • Watase Maki - Friend and younger sister-figure
  • Seigaku Mizuiro - Love interest


Namida's voicebanks were retired upon the release of the VOCALOID4 DAINA due to legal reasons and the fact that they share the same voice provider. She is still active as a character, even appearing in concerts, but now only exists as a private character.


Namida received a official album entitled "Fairytale Blue" which was released on October 25, 2011. She has appeared in VOCAMERICA alongside several western VOCALOIDs and UTAU. She has also received charms and buttons and even appeared on t-shirts through VOCAMERICA.


Namida VB is in romaji and encoded in hiragana. She also possesses a number of English sounds and is capable of singing in English with a bit of work. Her 1.0 voice bank is currently CV only. Her 2.0 voice bank is CV with assorted VC.
Namida's Gender Bend, Manida, can be created by giving her 1.0 a g+35 flag or her 2.0 a g+30 flag
  • ACT1 (UTAU)
  • ACT2 (UTAU)
Misc voicebanks
A voicebank featuring additional English sounds, as well as Russian sounds were planned for a future update. As of the announcement of DAINA there has been no further word on this.



  • Namida was created because MystSaphyr forced AkiGlancy to make an UTAU.[1]


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